84828 - Wooden memory

Ν. Λυγερός

Before the stone, the wood helped Mankind
to write the first traces
and to create History
but the wood is also crucial for Music.
Its shape and its soul are essential
to learn the sonority of Music.
In fact, Music writes its own story
on this wooden memory
without inscriptions
only with the power of the sound
and the execution of the piece.
This is one of the deep reasons
of the beauty of the composition
because it has to be compatible
with the wooden memory.
It’s not only a question of architecture of space.
It’s the architecture of Time.
This shape reminds the timeship
which is made by the actions of the souls
who contribute to his acts
via the work.
The wooden memory is the work
and its traces for the duration
and the continuity of Mankind.