84842 - The green landscape

N. Lygeros

Even if the royal path was clear,
the green landscape was impressive.
It didn’t know anything about the seasons
and the summer was unknown.
Each town was a variation on the same theme.
Goldberg effect.
But each there was a small difference
which was the  proof of the evolution on the path.
The network of light was still invisible.
The density of the wooden green
was a real obstacle.
But suddenly, colored houses could appear
as a surprise in the continuity
and a stone of the duration.
The landscape was empty.
Vacuity was omnipresent.
Like water, same nature
with always a different shape.
The gift of life.
The essence and the light of the green nature.
The trees made the junction
between the water of the rivers and the fjords
and the fog of the skyline.
Like a vertical bridge.