84844 - The rocks and the water

N. Lygeros

A way to discover the power of the flow was
to see the robustness of the rocks and the plasticity of the water.
The human rarity was obvious.
And it looked like a declaration
of how much precious it was.
The rocks were like the souls.
The water like the essence.
Together they created harmony.
Harmony and vacuity.
Equilibrium and emptiness.
And the difference made the difference.
His vision discovered the depth of the green.
And it was an insult
that it had been stolen by a dogma.
Because the green color needed freedom.
This written silence escaped from the oblivion.
The open spaces were very rare
in the beginning of this mission.
The beauty remained closed
and even confined.
To see it he had to love the Nature,
to be resistant and decisive.
The rocks were waiting
for the kick of the water.