85356 - The Concerto in C minor

N. Lygeros

I’m studying right now
the Concerto in C minor for Piano and Orchestra No 24.
It’s also known as KV 491.
The editorial note is very clear.
The editorial corrections and additions are precious.
Mozart, always rotated isοlated sixteenths, thirty seconds
and so forth with a stroke through the stern.
In the case of appoggiaturas
it is thus impossible to determine
whether they should be executed short or long.
In such cases,
the present editions prefer in principle
to use the modern equivalents.
My interest began with the listening of the Concerto.
It was impressed not only by the piano
which is rather natural
but also by the Orchestra
and especially by the role of Clarinetti in B.
I knew that Mozart loved their sound
and I wanted to understand more deeply
how they were used by him in the core of the Orchestra.
This is the reason why I got the score.
The components of the Orchestra are: Flauto, Oboe I, II,
Clarinetto I, II, Fagotto I, II, Corno I, II, Tromba I, II,
Timpani and Archi.