85548 - In the blue of the sky
N. Lygeros
The diving of the Soul in the life
it’s like a drop in the blue of the sky.
This makes possible to shape the life
as you can use the blue in a painting.
When the soul is shaping the life
you can see many transformations
until the transfiguration.
In the blue, you can see many landscapes
as you are above them
and you can discover their beauty.
The shaping of the life has an impact on the Soul
as a mental impact
which produces the necessary evolution.
This makes sense
when you understand that the essence of Time
changes the nature of the immortality of Soul
as it teaches to it how to embed
the trace in the code.
This way to do things allows
the teaching and the mastering
but also a kind of deep learning
as the Soul gets data
from the structure of the network
of Humanity.