85549 - The new shape

N. Lygeros

It’s impossible to understand how important the structure is
even for the same nature.
With carbon it’s possible to produce both
charcoal and diamond.
The only difference is the structure
which is the starting point.
And the shaping from the master
is the flashpoint.
Only after that, the beauty of the light is possible.
The shaping is the essence.
Or more precisely it’s the essence of the master
which transfigures the shape.
With this new shape the soul is able
to contribute to the work
because it becomes a part of it.
This is no more, the souls and the work
but the souls of the work.
It’s a contribution from inside
because at this level
the souls are embedded
in the polycyclic hyperstructure of Mankind
and they are with Time.
This isn’t just a new life
but an  upgraded soul.