85964 - Brainstorming

N. Lygeros

Beyond imagination
it’s possible to find the next reality.
If the brainstorming is important
for the existence of mind
it’s because with it you can overpass
hard obstacles.
In the brainstorming
you don’t play only with one instrument
but with many
and in many different ways
in order to valorize all your capacities.
For that, you have to believe
in the power of the orchestra.
And each difference has to be valorized.
The essence is always with the light.
And this is no more an enigma
because we solved it.
So use both of them
for our souls.
Their taste and their substance
belong to the existence and life of the souls.
If the brainstorming is so powerful
it’s because it knows
that it’s one of the characteristics of Mankind.