86129 - Transcription: The despicable Chief of Navy

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias

As if the statements of the Turkish President were not enough, those of the Chief of Navy had to come as well. Turkey, as it is obvious cannot be restrained even in its statements alone, as it goes much further than it ought to in all fields. When we hear Turkey saying that NATO and America should not be in the Black Sea, it is already an issue. When we hear Turkey through the Chief saying that Greece never had control over the Aegean, we understand that we are entering a context which is not even historical. When they question the marine zones wherever they may be, even south of Crete, we understand that Turkey communicatively wants to say, that she is very strong, that she questions everything and that these claims of Greece are absurd and that only Turkey is in the right and actual fact it brings her to a phase where we could say she is on the verge of war. Why is she doing that? First of all, because she sees that Greece continues its strategy and overcomes the obstacles one by one, she sees how Greece functions within the European Union and NATO, she sees that Turkey is not succeeding, therefore, she results to extreme statements in such a manner so that she ensure, at least at the level of the serviles, that she really obtains a superiority and that we ought to pay attention to her. When she talks let’s say, about the drillings and that she has blocked some drillings, it’s ludicrous because we have seen, how these drillings have taken place in Cyprus, we can see the ones we are preparing southwest of Crete, and there is no intervention whatsoever, we see the failure of Turkey with Libya, when she tried to plan this absurd memorandum and finally we wiped it out with the partial demarcation with Egypt and consequently, she is forced to say something. Therefore, when you hear this data from Turkey, who is still talking about the Montreux agreement which God knows how she has read it, we understand that she wants to find an excuse in order to say that there is a problem. But what is the substance? When we are talking about confidence building measures and we are talking about the meetings which ought to be held and regarding their preparation, I mean the December 7th ones, we understand that there is no common context for discussion between the two countries. Consequently, those who want to say that something could occur between Greece and Turkey, that would be something which will be very typical, very local, without any value, without any significance in depth of time. Because quite simply, Turkey is following a path which is against the West, against NATO, against the European Union and of course against Greece, which functions within these two superstructures. Therefore, it would be wise, instead of saying that we can get along with Turkey, in a form of illusion and resulting in projections which make no sense, it would be good therefore to continue our course, because we can see that it is bothering Turkey and this proves that our decisions are correct.