86302 - The essence of the fist

Ν. Lygeros

The power of a fist is always impressive.
The essence of the fist is like a sword,
a sacred sword able to transfigure the souls.
The fist is not only
the symbol of the impact
and the fire.
The fist is full of light
as you can see it
with your eyes
when you admire the closed set of fingers.
You know that in this fist
you can find the strange fingering
which hides the mastering of Time.
And you can also imagine
how this fist creates music
when it’s necessary for the souls.
This music is a way
to define the link
as there is no contact
and the relation lives in Time.
You see that the essence
of the fist is much more
than a simple object.
It’s a symbol of light.