86738 - A global target
N. Lygeros
It’s difficult to have a global target
which depends on the behavior of many people.
Because you have to construct a strategic mix.
At the beginning,
it looks like a problem of decision theory
but it’s wrong.
You need to take account of the others
because they are also players of the same game
even if you don’t get all the rules.
So you have to compose with them
but don’t compromise yourself
in this process.
Imagine that you have to conduct
an invisible orchestra.
Even if you don’t see all the instrumentists
you have to imagine
how you will influence them
to play the same composition
even if they don’t know the score.
That’s the huge problem of the global target.
It’s not only a kind of personal achievement.
It’s something totally different
which needs a new strategy.
And this one has to be invented.