86825 - The essence of love

Ν. Lygeros

The contact between bodies can be
very superficial
when the mind isn’t free
because this does not allow the relation
at the level of souls.
Misery is an obstacle which permits
only sex but not love.
When the skin is the only contact
it’s simply a boundary
nothing more.
It’s the essence which makes the difference.
The essence has a depth.
It doesn’t belong to the surface.
That’s why it’s a more complex manner
to create a relation beyond the contact.
When you want only to see it
it remains something which is outside of you.
Only when you drink the essence
you can feel inside you
a part of the other.
It’s a way to create a precious alloy.
It’s life among existence.
The body and the blood,
the essence and the light,
the love of Mankind.