94406 - New expectations

N. Lygeros

In a crisis situation, we have to consider that the problem is open in the sense that the solution can be far away. That’s why even when the situation seems to be blocked, we have to think about new expectations. In order to do that, we have to define a new strategy which has to be related to the problem but not dependent of it. Otherwise it will be impossible to find the solution. Game Theory can be useful but only if all the players are rational. And in real situation, this case is very rare… So, the new expectations have to deal also with a kind of power theory. Because calls for calm fall on deaf ears. Everybody wants to take an advantage but it’s impossible at the same time if the expectation is maximal. The problem is that most of the people try to find a kind of equilibrium but this is an obstacle for harmony. So, at a higher level, we have to think in another way to avoid this obstruction. Equilibrium isn’t stable to provide freedom that’s the reason of the dominance of peace. But peace is in reality compatible with slavery. So, Grand Strategy has to be different and use diversity of thoughts. The people who are convinced to be enclaved, can’t imagine those new expectations.