94622 - The historical finding

Ν. Lygeros

Even if it’s not obvious prime numbers belong to the History of Mankind. And each breakthrough in the research of the largest prime number is always a new step in the future. No matter what is going on in so many societies, Mankind  continues to investigate that special field of Mathematics because we aren’t talking about its core. With this historic finding we can prove the historical capability of computers and of course the progress of Mankind in this area. With prime numbers it is not sufficient to think fast or to think no fast. At this level, we have to think together. It’s a collective need because nobody can do it by his own. We need each other in order to create a global network with humans and computers. That’s why this research is working at the level of Mankind and nothing less. It’s not just about an amazing technology which is necessary for searching for huge prime numbers. It’s also a common project of volunteers all around the world. Mankind has to push the boundaries of the known universe. We spend time on this problem and this is its significance. That’s why the finding of the finding of a probable prime number is so important especially if its nature is different from the classical because it’s a new opening in the mentation of Mankind.