95112 - Intelligence and Politics

Ν. Lygeros

The only way for intelligence to have an impact on politics is to use the strategic level. Politics is made for all the people. That’s why it can’t be related only to intelligence. So there is a functional obstruction. In order to overpass it, strategy is necessary. It’s a manner to link minority to majority.  Only few people can really understand strategic schemata but all of them can live with them due to politics. We use to think strategy as a tool of analysis but in reality we are talking about synthesis. It’s certainly more complex to imagine it because we can see only the result and after the impact. On the other side with analysis we can find the characteristics of History and use its elements to construct a new reality. It’s possible to make many things with intelligence but fewer in politics because you have to convince the majority. And it’s even worse when we consider intelligence at a genius level. In this case, the biggest problem is always to show to society that you have already solved its problem. That’s why an advisor in strategy spends time only to convince  the politicians but never directly the majority because it would be a waste of time. Intelligence isn’t restricted by this way. It knows the limits of politics and uses only the field  where its action is possible. Strategy works with what it has and not with what it would like to have. That’s why its impact is possible and its action works in the field of politics.