95137 - Innovative politics

N. Lygeros

When you ask  people to have a super IQ in order to work in a structure next to the government, it’s already something totally new. You emphasize on something which is related to the brainpower and not only to the experience. The idea is the following. Even knowledge has to be supported by intelligence in order to fix tough problems. This option is quite different from the classical because it’s a change of position. It makes sense when you consider that the mentation is the core of the resolution. By this way, it’s possible to imagine what innovative politics means. When there is freedom of choice, it’s possible to be open minded and to valorize new options. It’s also a way to bring in the field of politics, something which is known in societies which have to be efficient and of course competitive because it’s the only way to live in a free market. So, this idea is not revolutionary as it represents an implementation of something which works in other fields. But its use can be so effective that it will bring solutions to unsolved problems which disturb not only the economy but also the policy of the US. And that’s the crucial point of this innovation. It’s possible to valorize a new methodology to solve old problems. But this has to be done quickly because there is no time to waste. Everything will have a clear deadline to force the existence of an important contribution to the evolution of the federal state.