9543 - Hope, need and Hellenism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias

Hope makes sense to most when they are at a waiting phase. The point is, for them not to confuse it with luck as a concept. In this case they approach everything in a passive manner, and don’t participate in any attempt of change. Only when you hope for nothing, you fear nothing, and you are free. Hope finds its boundaries with need. It’s at this point that we encounter the battle, and more specifically the struggle of necessity against randomness. This is the purpose of intelligence, in order to offer its works to the others, to humanity. Consequently, hope is the principle which is converted into value through necessity. It’s a process that Hellenism is well aware of. It has experienced it prior its every major battle: At the Marathon, At Thermopylae and at Salamis. The combination of hope and need creates a battlefield upon which Hellenism becomes united, when it comprehends that there’s a hostile context which aims its catastrophe. At a peace phase, everyone is talking about the faction of Hellenism.That doesn’t matter. It constitutes simply an expression of misery and mediocrity. Hellenism is an offering to Humanity. It has historically indicated that democracy can be resistant against barbarism. It proved that introversion changes the world. It emphasized on the concept of hospitality and it led to the path of altruism. Hellenism bares no phobias. It’s generous because it’s compassionate for the others and not merely for its own. Its people are the humans. Its world is the world. Every accusation effort against Hellenism it’s doomed on princible. Consequently, it rationally functions as an open structure, and as an example. If today’s Greek society is unable to develop it as such, the problem doesn’t derive from Hellenism, because it’s intertemporal. There are Greeks who believe in the memory of the future, and it’s them who produce the necessary tasks. As time goes on, others will contribute as well, because we all by now comprehend that without battleship, Hellenism will remain a mere memory. Whereas we are a nation of Time which is aware of its range, and its depth as of late.