95553 - The difference which makes the difference

N. Lygeros

We have new data at the international level and not only in the Middle East. Even in Europe we can see now a new situation in geopolitics. Many conditions have changed and many circumstances have been created. In fact, everything is related and we can see new relations with other battlefields. The international chessboard is getting bigger and bigger. But the situation isn’t the worst. Some things are controlled and other less but a new dynamics is now obvious and we have to valorize it in an efficient way. There is also a difference which makes the difference for the Kurdistan. It’s no more an abstraction or an utopia but a strategic vision. The second silk road has generated many actions and reactions. There is no local conflicts. We are already beyond the level of a proxy war and this explains the change of position of Iran. There is also an impact on Russia because the fall of the power in Syria, it’s also its failure. Even for Turkey, it’s hard to find an equilibrium because the rebels overpassed its initial objectives. We don’t talk anymore about the change of control on different territories. We are not at a state level in Syria. We need to take care of all the innocent people but also to think about the future of this region. That’s why it’s important to talk about the Kurdistan problem and the solution for the creation of Kurdistan in the Middle East to have a new point of stability.