Intelligence is not reduced to the analysis of the past or even the present. It has also to contribute to the synthesis of the future. That’s why it’s important to forecast. It’s not a question of magic. The future is not always unpredictable and we have to valorize it when we have to fix some problems. And a way to do it is to use our brainpower to create an alloy of History and Strategy. Because the future is a kind of innovative past and not only a simple continuation because we have to treat the existence of bifurcations and to influence the choice of a path. There is no other way to discover or maybe to create our wonderful world. This is a necessity and not a luxury. We need this to build the future from its foundations. You can find many experts who can analyse all the breaking news of the present but none of them is able to forecast the future because they don’t have the necessary depth to understand globally the situation and this big picture. In fact, we don’t have an endless choice and we have to think about what is really relevant for the future when we want to keep safe the bridge of the Time. We don’t live only in space but also in Time and we must valorize it. That’s why we have to know how to play with many instruments to master the invisible orchestra.