95871 - The morning show

Ν. Lygeros

To have a good day, the morning show is necessary. It’s a question for the eyes but also for the heart and not only. This is the impact of the link which is independent of the distance and a valorization of Time as it’s a way to be together even if it looks impossible with the classical conditions. It’s certainly not usual, transcendental and in any case, possible as it’s a question of willingness. It’s a proof of love in the framework of harmony without any equilibrium because everything is dynamic. In fact, it’s a combination of a request and a duty. Everything has to be done in order to enjoy life with all its meaning. So, it’s not only a reinforcement of a relationship of support. It’s a real link which is a combination of joy and pleasure, an alloy of harmony and ecstasy in a  polycyclical way. This is the key point of the morning show. This ignition of the day permits also the orchestration of the souls. At the beginning it’s about the fingering of instruments and at the end about the mastering of orchestra. That’s why the morning show is a visual music which has a cognitive impact. It’s another way to see the reality and to discover the world. And it’s a way to do it actively  and to create new data with the requests and the valorizations. The morning show is a creative production  which changes even the mentation as it permits the protection of mind and the innovation of thoughts.