95875 - At the contact
Ν. Lygeros
IIt’s always easy to talk at the theoretical level about a conflict, the problem is to be at the contact because in this case everything is real. That’s why it’s so important to study the battlefield in order to understand the reality. It’s not only a luxury for applied intelligence, it’s crucial because it’s the only way for the truth to be revealed. To talk about Kurdistan looks maybe too much theoretical at a first glance, but when we study what is going on in Syria and especially at the border of the zone controlled by the Kurds, it’s easy to see that it’s the birth of a new frontier. Even the new power in Syria wants to stabilize the situation at the Euphrates river. So, we are at least the witnesses of a new reality where the notion of Kurdistan exists efficiently and there is no doubt about that. So, even if Turkey shouts all the time against the Kurds, we are discovering right now the limits of its propaganda when the new reality is created by the pressure of History and we have to keep in mind that History as a word means enquiry since the famous book of Herodotus. By the way, to be at the contact it’s a manner for a story to be transformed into History. And this is exactly what is happening right now with Kurdistan in Syria. Because the potential becomes a tangible reality which changes the situation in this part of the world. The dream is dying in order to create the vision.