95901 - Analysis and Synthesis

N. Lygeros

Every event can be analysed but only few of them can participate to a synthesis. Analysis and Synthesis are of course complementary but this doesn’t mean that there exists an equilibrium between them. In reality, their framework is harmony. The bigger work is done by synthesis. With analysis you have an initial core but with synthesis, you have to create it. You have to combine many facts which looks to be uncorrelated at a low level. That’s why you have to go further to discover a hidden structure which works like a substructure of something which has to be invented. Analysis needs a lot of memory. Synthesis needs a lot of intelligence. By the way, memory and intelligence constitute a couple of harmony and there is no need to try to find an equilibrium. That’s why they are so compatible with analysis and synthesis. For both of them there is a need of Time. The impact of knowledge comes with Time. If you haven’t time you need only to be informed. But with time, you can get parts of knowledge which are crucial in your understanding of the world. Because reality is the passive part of the world and the world the active part of reality. This active and passive way to consider evolution is also compatible with the synthesis and the analysis. As the first one creates a new world and the second studies the past reality.