96096 - About perfection

N. Lygeros

Perfection is possible. This fact is not obvious. As it wasn’t obvious that someone can reach infinity. But Cantor said it and by the way he proved that we have in fact an infinity of infinities which remains unbelievable if you aren’t a mathematician. In reality, Cantor enlarged the mathematical study of infinity by studying infinite sets and of course infinite numbers. This result means that they can be of various sizes i.e. an infinite number can be larger than another one. Lets’ go back to the notion of perfection. Perfection is not only possible but we can have many perfections which are different and not isomorphic. This means that something which is perfect can be larger than another one. We can also have more general perfection as we can see it with theorems and general theorems in Mathematics. But it’s also possible to imagine that we have incomparable perfections. That’s why perfection is not unique. And this isn’t a problem. In reality, it’s an access to something which is even stronger. We can talk about the ubiquity of perfection. This is a foundation for each university not only for us but for the entire world. In that way it’s possible to realize how powerful is perfection for the evolution of Mankind.