23709 - Odin Finder: Cyprus – Israel

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The Odin Finder vessel which examines the feasibility corridor for the EuroAsia Interconnector underwater cable, has completed its task, as it arrived in Haifa, Israel, having prior passed through Limassol in Cyprus.
With this mission, the first stage of the study regarding the routing is completed.
More specifically, this is regarding the completion of the first section of the bathymetric study, as thereon it will return right on the same path, in order to obtain an accurate picture re: the appropriate locations as a matter of fact.
The Odin Finder vessel proved to be reliable throughout this course and that it provides hereon, practical possibilities for the continuation of the project.
Also the Cyprus – Israel route, is proportional to that of, Attica – Crete, and we should bare in mind, that they constitute the first parts of the entire program which will be implemented.
This part of the mission is therefore important as it will act as a catalyst regarding the entire Project of Common Interest, which the European Commission set as first priority in 2015, following the renewal of the 2013 selection.
Consequently, it is good to bare these ratios in mind, and not to examine the whole program unilaterally and in a fragmented fashion.
Only the larger picture is substantial as far as the European Commission is concerned, as the border treaty is necessary for the characterization of the project.
Therefore, the Cyprus – Israel route just completed by the Odin Finder vessel, comes to remind us of the international range of the project.