23679 - Energean delays come with a cost. (with E. Conophagos)

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

While some choose to be dealing exclusively with petty politics and partisanly negotiations, we end up having great delays in the energean sector, which by the way is constantly evolving, and in a drastic fashion at that.
Because the other players don’t waste time in making moves which merely regard their voters exclusively.
Consequently, we notice both in Cyprus and in Greece, incredible delays, at a time that the international timing promotes investments in the East Mediterranean.
It’s enough to merely examine a map of the region with all the proposed pipelines aiming at supplying the plants.
As long as we’re waisting time and consequently delay the investments re: the natural gas liquefaction plants, on the other side, the rest of the players will be directed to other solutions which will leave us out of the game.
In Cyprus, the game is even clearer now, and as long as we insist that there is only the Aphrodite reserve in existence, on marine plot 12, whereas we have others, even more significant in other maritime plots, then the Cypriot vision regarding a liquefaction plant is doomed to remain just a vision.
The point is that the Cypriot authorities also support the proposal re: a liquefaction plant in Egypt, as if they don’t realize what added value the liquefied natural gas has to offer the country.
Consequently, we should realize that slowly but surely, and in some cases even faster than some assume, natural gas pipelines will appear, which will avoid Cyprus all together, making a detour, but indirectly even using the Cypriot EEZ in order to reach their aims.
It is therefore important, that the occurring discoveries should firstly become widely publicized, and secondly, they should function as a catalyst for strategic perspectives.