22537 - The empire of horror

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklessi

That year was the 1529.
Then the empire of horror decided
to besiege the city of Vienna.
Because the Fall of Constantinople wasn’t enough.
The horror had passed from Belgrade in 1521,
Rhodes in 1522, Buda in 1526,
and in 1527 it captured Bosnia, Croatia, Slovakia and Dalmatia.
The word had spread around the world.
And the people were groaning.
Twenty thousand delis devoured everyone.
They were rummaging everything.
The horror was terrifying the peoples wherever it went by.
The empire showed to everyone what civilization means in its vocabulary.
The mere murder of civilians was not enough.
The ottomans were slaughtering innocents and were beheading men,
raping underage girls, gutting pregnant women,
impaling the embryos for display of terror
and behind them they would leave humanness being torn.
And these scenes were recorded in the turkish chronicles
so that they wouldn’t be forgotten after the death
of the eyewitnesses
that’s how proud they were of their acts.
After these facts they sent note for
them to convert
the besieged though responded that they preferred