22460 - The signatures pro the EuroAsia Interconnector

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

The signatures signed today pro the EuroAsia Interconnector, constitute an historic step towards the development of the project, because this is the final stretch before its actual implementation.
In other words, the agreement which took place with two Italian companies in regards to the three studies, constitutes the actual launch of the practical applications of the whole venture.
The CESI company will deal with the environmental study, but the technical and technological study as well.
The GAS Surrey company will undertake the bathymetric study, which will take place in two phases.
The first will begin in January 2016 and will last 30 days.
In this case, a special vessel will explore the sea bed with a corridor of 5 km width, and a few meters below the sea bed, in order to identify the characteristics of the context of the first path.
With this study, a field will be created regarding the second phase, which is that of accuracy, and which will select the optimal path within this corridor for the future setting of the cable.
This phase will have about a six month duration, and will allow a placement which minimizes the difficulties of the conditions with respect to the potential of the electric cable.
It therefore obtains a great importance for the continuation of the project on a practical level.
In this field of action, the points of contact with the mainland have an important role to play.
For Cyprus, we have Kofinou, and for Crete we have Korakia, which will constitute an intermediate between Israel and Greece.
Therefore we comprehend, that in conjunction with the other two studies, we will have a complete picture across the path of the EuroAsia Interconnector with a length which exceeds1500 km.
And it’s at this point, where the magnitude of the value of the specific date we’ve experienced it’s obvious.