20903 - New target reserves at marine plot 12 in Cyprus

E. Conophagos, N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Everyone has heard about the reserve Aphrodite at marine plot 12, and especially this year, re: the evidence of its marketability, only that many have the wrong impression that it is the only reserve of this marine plot.
In actual fact, from the data of Noble itself, we can identify not only another two miocene targets of natural gas reserves, but another six mesozoic oil targets at greater drilling depth.
This practically means that in addition to the 140 billion cubic meters, there’s certified evidence, that there is a 50% chance for another 130 billion cubic meters of natural gas to be located.
These elements come to enhance the initial assessments, which already now are in the order of 5 trillion cubic meters for the Aphrodite reserve alone.
Therefore, without even examining the oil issue, we all understand how important the marine plot 12 is.
Simply, the contract signed by Noble with Cyprus, is not forcing her to make other drillings, which could though justify with their existence, the construction of a liquefaction plant in Vasiliko.
It is therefore a matter upon Cyprus’s good will, for them to be utilized simultaneously with the Aphrodite reserve.