49091 - Turkish irrelevancy at the borders
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
When we see how the excavator bearing the Turkish flag sank in Evros, we can see the magnitude of the irrelevancy on the part of Turkey at the borders.
They where under the impression that everything would be simple, because they were used to this sort of dealing in regards to this particular passage.
They did not expect such a resistance from the Greek side nor such an efficiency.
And when they try to take initiatives, yet again it doesn’t come to fruition for them.
Additionally they have to now deal with the presence of illegal immigrants who are now outraged with the misinformation they have endured.
The turkish propaganda has reached its limits because the reality of the situation is much more powerful.
We no longer see a serious dispute at the borders, but on the contrary mismanaged handlings which are causing problems for Turkey itself, because quite simply she had not been properly prepared for such type of moves.
What becomes in fact obvious is the Turkish irrelevancy, and not merely her barbarism, but simultaneously, the rational defense of the Greek side, which is a recipient of more and more enhancement from the European Union.