59034 - The preparation of the study
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
Disciple: Will we see Bach’s score together?
Master: We will begin the preparation the study…
Disciple: Meaning?
Master: We will find the basic points… Time. The consistent ones if you like… Silence.
Disciple: Shall we see an example?
Master: Look at this note in these measures.
Disciple: It is the same…
Master: And not only that. Around it I will create a scale… And an oscillation…
Disciple: The prior and the after…
Master: The deep and the high…
Disciple: It’s more beautiful that way.
Master: Look at this staccato as well.
Disciple: The double one?
Master: Yes and see how it returns.
Disciple: How would I pay attention to these points.
Master: With passion and love.
Disciple: Respect is not enough…
Master: He requires the hypersupport of the Teaching.
Disciple: I see it practically.
Master: See the sol as well…
Disciple: That one?
Master: And the next one… It obtains polycyclicity.