83003 - The second contact

N. Lygeros

The reason of the second contact was tough. The questions and the answers about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice were delicate because everything was connected. The point was so important that it looked like a fight inside a bigger struggle. But we were together in the same spirit. The Referendum is not only a question of ethics but also of souls. We understood that nothing was obvious when we are talking about the fundamental rights of people and especially of First Nations people. Their all History was spoiled and at some points erased. So we were conscious that this new contact will have a tremendous impact at the next steps of a deep struggle related to the Rights of Humanity. Because Australia had to be a paradigm at that level and not only an example. It was important to realise not that we were fighters of warriors but that we were together and not only in that battle. So each word had its rationale not only to convince but to explain the deep convergence of our thoughts in the right frame to be efficient and robust against the attempts of barbarity to stop the whole process.