84020 - The seven seas

N. Lygeros

Nobody can abuse you because I ’m here. You will always be here. Barbarity is powerful when you don’t have Faith. It’s able to manipulate only the others with its lies. But you know the scholastics work. It’s always the same thing because they are living in the same present. This isn’t an exception but the common case. So don’t waste time with strange explanations. The creator of the barbarity is the society. Oblivion and indifference are just tools for it. When I saw the seven seas and the five continents I discovered the same fact. It’s not a question of civilization because it needs time. Society doesn’t need time. It wants only space. But Time is with us. Societies don’t change. They simply die in their present. Each of them replace another and they are immortal only in the sense of Persia. The reality is totally different because we are here. There is no total darkness because the light of the world is deeper.