84066 - The crash test

N. Lygeros

– I took many tests.
– You were forced…
– Exactly, but I realized that they were crash tests.
– Crash test?
– Yes, for the creators… They weren’t prepared to read this kind of results…
– I can imagine it.
– It’s not a question of imagination but of level…
– Your standard deviation is incredible for many people.
– But it’s a fact. I was made to get that level.
– I know it but the result is still incredible…
– Is this a joke? What shall I do?
– Don’t change anything.
– Fine.
– At the end, this will be obvious also for them.
– So I’m not the problem.
– You are the solution.
– But they don’t understand my resolution.
– It’s simply unthinkable for them…
– And this is the crucial problem.