84090 - A small measure of freedom

N. Lygeros

– I can’t feel my mind.
– You can hear the sound…
– Of no mind.
– That’s the point.
– It’s intriguing for me.
– But you have an impressive plasticity. Use it now.
– As if it was an armor?
– An armor of light.
– Like yours…
– Do it now.
– Right now. It’s like a preparation.
– For the battle.
– Which battle?
– Every breath of life.
– You are talking about the way of the warrior.
– We have no other option.
– Let’s do it then.
– I don’t’ know if…
– What?
– You took a cup of tea long time ago.
– I remember.
– It was a part of this issue.
– I close my eyes. I’m with you.
– I can feel it.
– Time is different now.