84099 - The holy place

N. Lygeros

– The holy place needs to be protected.
– Everybody agrees with that.
– But they do not realize that isn’t a place.
– It’s a memory.
– And this memory is human.
– This is the sheath…
– Of the sacred sword.
– The women need to be protected in the memory of Humanity.
– And for that the intelligence of Time is requested.
– No place can be forbidden to the women.
– It’s a duty.
– And also a recognition of their absolute Faith.
– They knew from the start how sacred the essence is.
– They made the difference which made the difference.
– They saw the Faith beyond the Love.
– This is the miracle.
– The second one.
– The first was the miracle of love.
– And this one is the love of the miracle.