84101 - The crime against the sacred

N. Lygeros

– When you need an interdiction, it’s a proof of weakness.
– But this is the definition of a dogma.
– To be dogmatic is not equivalent to a believer.
– They don’t have Faith and they want to impose their barbaric religion.
– Nobody has to accept this.
– And especially Humanity.
– But the societies promote this kind of barbarity against the sacred.
– The women are forbidden.
– But it’s the same with the sacred.
– There is a double interdiction.
– The women don’t have access to the sacred.
– The sacred doesn’t have the right to use women.
– Even if they were from the beginning a part of the Faith.
– In fact, the dogma committed a crime against the sacred.
– This injustice has to be fixed.
– They confuse the sanctuarization with the interdiction.
– The interdiction is not sacred.
– And the sacred can’t be forbidden.