84314 - The sufficient reason

N. Lygeros

– Shall I ask if the reason is sufficient?
– No, it’s fine.
– That’s all?
– I think so.
– I understand your point.
– Fair enough.
– It makes sense when someone knows you.
– When someone is a believer.
– I meant that, in fact.
– Good.
– It’s wonderful.
– I’m glad that you appreciate it.
– I’m not a perfect person.
– I never ask that.
– There’s many things I wish I didn’t do.
– This was the past.
– And now I live in the future.
– You have a reason to change.
– I see it.
– So don’t worry about the past, I will fix it.
– But how?
– You don’t need to think about that…
– The sufficient reason.
– You’re compatible with my work.