84564 - The message

N. Lygeros

There is no journey of life without mission for the soul. From the beginning the soul has a life to do something in the fermionic world and to leave a trace which will be used in the History of Humanity. History is a trace and not only an event. The step function is more important than Dirac’s function. It’s certainly less impressible but there is no return. It changes the world in an irreversible manner. The message is clear and it will not be destroyed. You will be able to keep it with you because it’s an advice. Take the time that you want to do what is good but don’t waste it. And if you don’t know what to do, just help the others to do what they know. Your contribution doesn’t need to be initial. The important is the participation they say but the target is the contribution. You are not alone because they aren’t souls which are totally separated. It’s easy to talk to angels but it’s always difficult to hear them. So if you have an access, use it and don’t stay at the same level.