84807 - The timeship

N. Lygeros

– I really adore your idea about timeship…
– I’m glad to hear it.
– Because at the beginning I thought that I was an exception about the castle.
– I was thinking the same.
– But the castle is an indice…
– For the exceptional way to live.
– It wasn’t only one point, one place…
– It’s unique but it can be everywhere.
– Like him and like us now.
– Yes, I realized it.
– We are in his timeship.
– And his warmness is everywhere.
– Like his light and his essence.
– This is the power of love.
– And the love of Mankind.
– The exceptional way on the path of light.
– That’s why we aren’t restricted.
– On the opposite, the world is open.
– After the new position…
– And the new gesture…
– We are interconnected…
– With his essence…
– And his light.