84866 - In the fjords

N. Lygeros

– We went deep in the fjords
– It was delicious.
– Delicious?
– I mean wonderful.
– But you said delicious…
– It’s relevant…
– I see… The forest…
– The forest and the islands…
– The beauty of the depth.
– And the deep beauty.
– I love that.
– I can feel it also.
– It’s another way to open everything.
– And what about the waterfall?
– The essence of the depth, you mean!
– Exactly!
– It was amazing!
– I’ve missed it.
– Me too.
– Maybe we should ask him.
– I think so.
– Well, it will be a question of Time.
– A new resolution.
– There is no more problem.
– And no worries.