86004 - Transcription: Strange openings toward Asia from Turkey, Russia, Pakistan and China

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias

Those who assume that the chessboard is limited merely to the Gaza Strip will be upset, because they will understand quite soon and officially at that, that players like Turkey, Pakistan, Iran and Russia are not only playing in the region and they are trying to increase their influence. WhereIn Asia. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they go to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, they are of course countries of the former Soviet Union, but Russia has the impression that she can maintain good relations with these countries because they were under her influence institutionally and definitively, at that period we could say, however those countries are trying to make other moves with others, especially after the Ukrainian issue. Therefore, the countries we’ve mentioned prior are obliged to make contacts, to enhance the ties they obtain, or at least tighten the restraints they have created with these countries and normally in this game that there would be supposedly only Russia, now Turkey and Pakistan play as well, in combination of course with the strategic moves of China, which wants to maintain the possibility of processing the Silk Road as it had defined it initially, because now she sees that there is a great antagonism, and is trying to expand her influence in the region. So from Turkey’s side, Turkey considers that it is an appropriate time, especially with the pro Hamas positions she has taken, because she was obliged to do so, since she had Hezbollah as well right inside Turkey. In taking these positions, she considers that she can now go and observe matters specifically, e.g. in Uzbekistan, with a Muslim and Turkic population, to function as a platform which deals with all of her brother’s problems. Consequently, she wants to play the role of the big brother in the region and so they have this convergence of views, sometimes it’s even competitive, what is certain however is that they don’t deal much with Gaza, it’s all merely a way to hit upon Israel, but the issue of the Palestinians constitutes just a pawn upon the bigger chessboard and the bigger chessboard for them, is played a lot in Asia, because quite simply they see the confrontation that exists with Europe and with America, Africa is still far away, whereas in Asia they have a background which can be the Turkish one, the Muslim one, or on the other hand, the former Soviet one, and within the Muslim one of course, Iran and Pakistan should also play, but of course China should also play on a commercial level, as always.