86726 - The initial difference

N. Lygeros

The initial difference is a key point for the next steps.
There is nothing to explain.
It’s not obvious but it’s a fact.
The simple contact with souls is already a difference.
It seems strange for the others
but it’s natural for the exceptional.
So from the beginning
the whole life is a question of consciousness.
Because it’s important to be aware
for this fundamental difference.
It’s not a lack
as the society would characterize it
but a halo for Mankind.
It’s a kind of protection
for the protection of the others.
There is a shield at the birth
and a sacred sword for the life.
Because the knight becomes a warrior.
The chivalry is his essence
and the war, the battlefield of his light.
That’s why the difference makes the difference.
It’s not a question of society.
Everything is due to Mankind
because it’s a question of Time.