94419 - You aren’t alone

Ν. Lygeros

Loneliness has become a phenomenon of society due to isolation. It means that you don’t want to be alone but you are forced to. Isolation in society is a kind of invisible jail where you feel that you can do what you want but you don’t have any willingness. It’s a consequence of the indifference of societies. They consider that your existence has nothing to do with them. And that you can’t have any impact on them because you don’t have any contact. But the reality is quite different. When you are directly linked with Humanity this difference makes the difference because it’s no  more isolation but rarity. So it’s a question of ontology and it’s not due to the impact of societies. With them this ontology becomes a teleology which is able to change not only your life but also the lives of other people. The path of light hasn’t any relation with loneliness. Its rarity makes the difference. In any case, we have to liberate many people which are innocent from this invisible jail. To do this, we have to consider the isolated points as a part of a structure which is founded on an accumilation point. And this point is the source of light and essence. This point is always accessible to any soul which needs it. This is an open structure. So the first step is to be in contact with it and then to evolve with it and its help. Because it’s a way to transform  the social isolation into a human rarity.