Slavery is naturally against Mankind. It’s a very old system of societies which want to control life. It’s also a way to avoid even the thoughts of freedom. But in reality, nobody needs to be a slave. And this is the same for souls. Religion can be a kind of slavery like an ideology which doesn’t respect the souls. Each time that a religion wants to hide something or someone is a kind of slavery which has an impact on the souls. It’s a dark way to attack the essence of Mankind. It’s an attempt to destroy its light. Ideologies or religions which target the souls, are enemies of Mankind. It’s of course easy to understand that slavery is a bad thing but it’s more complex for propaganda. The data aren’t obvious, especially with deep fake news. So in order to get a result in this field, we have to use both History and Strategy. Some ideologies hate History and want to kill it. Some religions hate strategy and want to destroy it. But the combination is very robust and even the attacks of barbarity can’t achieve those aims. That’s why oblivion and indifference are precious things for barbarity. Which is worst than hate is a method to avoid strategy. So the problem is not only to resist as they do it, righteous people but to attack the acceptance of the situation which is creacted by ideologies and religions of barbarity.