95611 - Future in danger

N. Lygeros

Nothing is simple in the Middle East but now we are living a bifurcation and many scenarios are possible because we are working after the end of the crime. The future is certainly in danger but we are free to decide what we want and what we have to do to achieve it. The situation is open and we can fix many problems, it’s only a question of willingness because we have the tools and the weapons to do it. We also know the barbarity of Turkey and Daesh. There is no surprise about that and if we take account of them, we will be able to erase their attempts to create a new catastrophe. Syria deserves to be free and it’s possible to help it in an efficient way. We need coordination for that but also coherence in our moves in order to avoid the repetitions of mistakes of the past. We don’t need another innocent idea. We need to be tough with the enemies of freedom because we know that they will try to spoil the rights of people of this region. There is no more any local problem and that’s why we have a global vision. And to realize it, we need to have powerful alliances because the battleground is very complex and explosive. We have to help the Druzes and Kurds and to contribute to the creation of their countries. It’s a duty for us and there is no excuse now. We have to fight for them and to think of the future with them and not without them because we have to end also the crime of oblivion.