95682 - Tough decisions
N. Lygeros
We have to use our brainpower in order to take tough decisions in geopolitics because diplomacy hasn’t enough power to solve difficult problems. There is a big difference between the management of a problem and the mastering of it. We have right now many issues but we are preparing only few resolutions. The problem is that we have already the impact of a big change and we have to consider the world in a different way if we want to get robust solutions. Diplomacy is always trying to do its best but we realize that very often we realize there is no power to give a real solution. And the reality is simple, tough decisions need more than diplomacy. Strategy is a necessity for many real problems because it has the power to solve even complex conflicts. In reality, many diplomats prefer to keep an issue open because it’s a way for them to justify their existence and they are afraid to see someone who is able to reach a big result. In complex situations, we need problem solvers but not really diplomats. And this is now obvious in the Middle East as diplomats follow the news of journalists because they don’t have the capacity to do something important before them. The situation in Syria is even more relevant because we have only bad choices at the diplomatic level. But the new situation is real and we have to find a way to avoid a new barbarity in this weak country which is influenced by many players.