95731 - The archives of the future
N. Lygeros
If you love the archives of the past, it’s because you know that they constitute parts of the History. So, it’s possible for you to understand that the archives of the future belong to strategy. So, this common love for the archives can conduct to the common work of the future. It’s a way to link memory with intelligence, data with actions which change the world. The archives aren’t dead. Inside them, you can find parts of the future which need to be alive. So, you have access to unborn things and it depends on you to give them the necessary life in order to get an impact. The foundations of the work belong to the archives and not only to the past because they are supported by History. And this is essential for strategy. The reason is that strategy without History is only a game, it’s a theory without practice. By this way, with History, strategy can create the necessary future to solve problems and fix them in order to change the world’s situation. The archives are a tool against oblivion and a weapon against barbarity when they belong to Mankind. It’s a kind of alloy of History and strategy. That’s why it’s so important even in geopolitics because it’s a way to change memory of people and to create new conditions for the reality of the future. Archives are alive, it’s up to you to see it in an efficient way if you want to valorize them in the struggle of freedom.