96052 - The new impact

N. Lygeros

It was impossible to imagine the new impact but now it’s a reality. The reelection of the President of the US has changed many points and positions in geopolitics. Even a revolution is dependent on this phenomenon because everything is related in the Middle East. But even in Europe everything is different. This Alliance is stronger due to the necessity of the situation because it was a duty to protect the others but also NATO itself. Of course, this is also related to the aggression of Russia against Ukraine and the aggressivity of China against Taiwan. It was a way to wake up every country in the European Union. Each of them is now responsible for its future. The second Cold War was effective and everyone is forced to realize it because it’s impossible to be neutral in this new conflict. It’s not only a question about the crisis in the Middle East or in Ukraine. It’s already possible to interpret those flashpoints as specific points of the same second War. So, the new impact is crucial because it’s indeed a break of the previous lethargy. We have changed our level of readiness because now it’s obvious that we have at least a change of phase and maybe of cycle. It’s no longer possible to be innocent at the geopolitical level. That’s why a real Alliance is so vital for every member State. We have to stop the expansion of Russia and of course China if we want to keep the world safe but also free. So, let’s not waste time with fake and artificial peace because we need real freedom.