38462 - The State of New York recognizes the genocide of the Ukrainians
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
Apart from the twenty countries which recognized the fabricated famine of 1932-1933 as a genocide, in addition there are now nine American states which acted likewise. These are: Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington and Winsconsin.
There are not the majority of them, or almost all, as in the case of the Armenian genocide, but it is nevertheless a strong group of them which can play a catalytic role for the continuity.
Additionally the state of New York which was expressed through its House of Parliament and through its Senate, is utterly symbolic because it’s where the United Nations are situated.
And of course it constitutes an good example for other nations which had genocide inflicted upon them.
Because we ought to think of all that entire context, within the Rights of Humanity and not each for their own genocide, because as Raphael Lemkin has indeed pointed out with his notion, this constitutes a tougher case of a crime against Humanity.
It is an additional barbarism, and for that reason each recognition has its significance, and not merely for the nation which suffered it.
Because, united we can effectively resist the barbarism of the societies of oblivion and indifference.
Consequently this new decision constitutes an enhancement for all of us.
It is however substantial for the nation of Ukraine which is still fighting for its rights, since the genocidor has not as yet admitted his crime.