35431 - New probable prime number with 672,156 digits
N. Lygeros, O. Rozier
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
In the context of the new research program we’ve started, we’ve discovered, with the computing aid of Giorgos Hadjigeorgiou, a prime number which passed all the tests prior to the integral certification, which consists of 672,156 digits.
Its mathematical form is of the type τ (15156087-1).
It has been constructed using the LR methodology, ie, with the usage of prime numbers 151 and 56087 upon which the Ramanujan function is applied.
In size, this probable prime number belongs to the hypergigantic ones, since it consists of more than 100,000 digits.
For the LR program it represents the biggest probable we’ve discovered since the beginning of the distribution of the calculations within our team.