32337 - The Greece of the EEZ
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias
The Greece of the EEZ is not what we are experiencing as yet, due to the unacceptable delays of the Greek governments who failed to understand both its magnitude and its range, as far as geopolitics are concerned.
The 20 marine blocks definitely gave a serious indication of its dimensions, even to the most unrelated ones in regards to the issue.
Whereas the EEZ’s opponents are still steaming up regarding the progress we have achieved in the field of Hellenism.
With both Greece and Cyprus we have 33 marine blocks in the Mediterranean, where just a few years ago no one believed in anything at all.
When therefore everybody deals merely with politics without examining strategy and energy, we can all understand that they haven’t dealt with the obstacle of evolution.
The Greece of the EEZ supports the East Med natural gas pipeline, the EuroAsia Interconnector, the twenty marine blocks, the Ionian and South of Crete reserves, the next licensing rounds, the seismic surveys, the natural gas liquefaction stations, the Universities which cater for: bachelor, master, PhD, re: hydrocarbons, technical schools with specialisations related to the sea.
The Greece of the EEZ is not a dream but a vision and a metastrategic one at that.
This is what, whether we like it or not, is changing the world and it creates a new reality, and this is what the Greeks will live through, as unbelieving as they may be, because it’s the mere truth.